Trading Book: Market Wizards

24 August 2021
Many people would like to learn how to become successful traders, whether via stocks, commodities, options, foreign exchange (forex), or all of the above. Unfortunately, trading and investing are not subjects commonly addressed in either high schools or colleges.

Fortunately, a wealth of excellent books is available on every aspect of trading for those with the desire and motivation to teach themselves the craft of trading.

Jack Schwager has put together two very popular books on trading: "Market Wizards" and "The New Market Wizards." Both books consist of interviews with some of the most successful traders of the past half-century, such as Paul Tudor Jones, the billionaire founder of Tudor Investment Corporation.

It is often argued that the best way to learn any craft or occupation is to be mentored by people who have already attained success in the field. Schwager's books offer readers the opportunity to pick up some mentor-like advice from very successful traders. The interviews offer both interesting biographical information on the interviewees and exposure to a wide variety of investing strategies
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